Showing posts with label AWS Secret Manager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWS Secret Manager. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Two-Tier Authentication in Microservices Architecture


Microservices are decoupled, self-contained units, which makes security pivotal. Two-tier authentication can offer an extra layer of protection. By integrating both AWS Cognito (for cloud-based authentication) and FAMS (an on-premises solution), we can create a robust authentication mechanism for such architectures.

It's a clear separation of concerns, with FAMS focusing on user identity and Cognito securing your API. This is a valid and robust approach, particularly if you want to leverage Cognito's capabilities for managing API access without intertwining it with FAMS.

Two-Tier Authentication in Microservices

Microservices often communicate through APIs. The two tiers in this setup are:

On-Premises Authentication (e.g., FAMS): Before accessing cloud-based microservices, authentication through on-prem systems like FAMS ensures that the initial user or service is validated.

Cloud-Based Authentication (e.g., AWS Cognito): After the initial validation, Cognito facilitates the subsequent authentication steps, providing tokens that are required to access microservices' endpoints.

Benefits of Using AWS Cognito with FAMS

·        Seamless Integration: AWS Cognito integrates well with AWS services and can work in tandem with FAMS for initial authentication.

·        Token-based security: After initial authentication with FAMS, Cognito handles token-based authentication for cloud resources.

·        Flexibility: Offers the ability to switch between different authentication providers.

Sequence Flow in a Microservices Environment



Two-tier authentication using both FAMS and AWS Cognito offers a comprehensive authentication strategy for microservices, bridging on-premises systems and cloud architectures. It ensures that microservices are only accessed by authenticated clients and services, upholding the principles of security and integrity.

Friday, April 28, 2023

AWS Secret Manager for application running on Amazon EC2 instances

Using AWS Secret Manager




This technical document describes the approach of using AWS Secrets Manager to securely manage secrets and credentials for application running on Amazon EC2 instances. The document outlines the steps to configure the necessary infrastructure components, including AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and Azure DevOps.

Solution defined in the document is generic and can be applied to programs planning to implement AWS secret manager in their respective projects leveraging Azure Devops


The approach described in this document consists of the following steps:

·        Configure AWS Secrets Manager to store secrets

·        Create an IAM policy for the EC2 instance to access Secrets Manager

·        Configure Azure DevOps to fetch secrets from Secrets Manager

·        Pass secrets to the .NET Core application using environment variables or application config


Detailed Solution

1.      Configure AWS Secrets Manager to store secrets

·        Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager for each environment (dev, qa, prod) that the application uses

o   Non Prod

§  Dev_Secrets

§  QA_secrets

§  Qualif_Secrets

o   Prod Secrets

§  Prod_Secrets

·        Alternately we can also store all environment secrets per service.

Note - If you have a small number of services and environments, storing all environment secrets per service may simplify secret management and reduce the risk of misconfigurations. However, if you have a large number of services and environments or require more flexibility, storing secrets per environment may be a better approach.

If you are expecting to develop multiple micro services hence it’s better to go for storing secrets per environment


·        Store all the secrets for each environment as a key-value pairs in JSON format


2.      Create an IAM policy for the EC2 instance to access Secrets Manager

·        Create IAM Users for prod and non-prod environments

o   Generate AWS access key and secret access key

o   Access Type – Programmatic Access

·        Attach Policy SecretsManagerRead to Users created in step 2

·        If we push the secret to App.config then this is not required

o   Attach IAM roles for EC2 instances for applications to access Secret manager at runtime

o   Attach the appropriate AWS managed policy that grants permissions to access Secrets Manager


3.      Configure Azure DevOps to fetch secrets from Secrets Manager

·        Create a new service connection in Azure DevOps for AWS, using the IAM credentials for accessing Secrets Manager

o   Navigate to the "Project Settings" in Azure DevOps and click on "Service connections".

o   Click on "New service connection" and select "AWS".

o   Follow the prompts to enter your AWS access key and secret access key, as well as the region where your AWS resources are located.

4.      Create a new pipeline variable in Azure DevOps for the secret name:

o   In the Azure DevOps pipeline, define variable (e.g., "EnvironmentSecret") and set the value to the name of the secret that you want to fetch from AWS Secrets Manager.

§  E.g: EnvironmentSecret = Dev_Secrets’ – to Identify Build environment

§  Refer secret name created in Step 1


5.      Add an Azure DevOps task to fetch the secret:


o   In Azure DevOps pipeline, add a task that fetches the secret from AWS Secrets Manager.

o   aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $(EnvironmentSecret) --query SecretString --output text

o   aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id EnvironmentSecret --query SecretString


6.      Pass the secret value to your .NET Core application

There are multiple options to store the secret . This can be evaluated and agreed upon


o   Use Environment Variable in EC2

§  Via Azure DevOps task and update environment variable in EC2

§  MySecretName ={ SecretString }



o   Use configuration files

§  Via Azure App Service Deploy task to deploy the configuration file to the Azure App Service that hosts your .NET Core application


o   Store the Output secret value from the previous step into a Key value pair

o   Create new Azure DevOps task called "Azure App Service Settings"


o   Store the secrets in Secure Files in Azure Pipelines and push it into appconfig file

Go to Pipelines > Library > Secure files


7.      Aplication code

.NET Core application to retrieve the value of "MySecretName":


string secretValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MySecretName");








Claim Based Authorization

  1.      Claim Based Authorization ·         Token Validation: As requests come into the Ocelot API Gateway, the first step is to validat...